Minggu, 20 November 2011

Best Foods For Weight Loss

Most people have a common misconception about the power of the food they eat when losing weight, they overthink everything and therefore decide that they’re only going to eat the best foods for weight loss.
Now, the best foods for weight loss are extremely difficult to actually find. You’ll discover that every website on the web today has a different idea on which foods are good and which foods are bad and of course, we are no different! We have our own opinions but our opinions on the best foods for weight loss are somewhat different to the majority of other “experts” views.
We know that the majority of food associated with weight loss doesn’t actually make any difference. For example, we know that the low carbohydrate diets that every man and his dog insists you MUST use are not actually that effective.
Low carbohydrate diets are perhaps the diet of the moment. They have grown increasingly popular but actually have an incredibly low success rate. Why? Because they are awfully strict, thus making them too hard to follow. For the average person like you or I who has to work, raise children and do all kinds of other chores on the planet sticking to an inconvenient diet is very difficult and near impossible.
The bottom line is that if you want to lose weight then the best foods for weight loss are not those that are recommended by the experts, they are the healthy options that are convenient for you to eat everyday.
You may think that eating LESS is the answer but when you look at the cold hard facts you’ll see that eating less is not actually going to help you lose weight massively. The thing about the human body is that it ALWAYS attempts to burn the same amount of calories that you’ve eaten that day which means if you’re eating less you’re body will still not burn fat any faster and ultimately, you still won’t lose any weight.
So what about low fat foods, surely they’re the best foods for weight loss? Well, actually no! Low fat foods have been the MOST popular form of foods in the US and UK for the last few years yet obesity continues to rise which tells you again that reducing the amount of calorie intake is actually not that wise.
The best foods for weight loss are the foods that you normally eat combined with a PROVEN weight loss system. We’re huge fans of Fat Loss 4 Idiots, a weight loss program with a difference.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots allows you to eat a NORMAL diet but accelarates the speed of fat loss dramatically using a little known secret known as calorie shifting.
You’ll actually be able to enjoy the proccess of losing weight. Everyday won’t feel like a grind, it will feel relatively easy as you’ll be pulled forward by your motivation to get healthier, grow your confidence and stop feeling unattractive.
Forget the best foods for weight loss and use this, you won’t regret it!

Source : http://www.exercisestoloseweightx.com/best-foods-for-weight-loss.html

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